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We’re Building Babies’ Brains in Gwinnett

With this first blog post, we hope to provide a glimpse into how and why Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains came to be!

Greetings from Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains! We hope you are stopping by because you have a vested interest in the importance of early learning and brain development for our littlest learners. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, educator, or simply someone wanting to learn more or get involved…WELCOME! This is our first blog post, and with it, we hope to give you a glimpse into how and why Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains came to be. We hope this will be the first of many blogs you will enjoy, and we look forward to sharing all there is to know about Building Babies’ Brains!

Our Children Are Our Future

This oft repeated, but somewhat hollow sentiment, is likely the most true statement anyone has ever made. Think about it. Right now, in someone’s home or preschool classroom or somewhere playing on a playground, exists Gwinnett County’s next great thinkers and doers. Now is the time to prepare our children and to prepare our county for a bright future.

To ensure a brighter future, Gwinnett must unite together by embracing systematic solutions and galvanizing support as it historically has. Our economy and our communities rely on citizens of Gwinnett success in ensuring that every child has the opportunity to become a successful Gwinnettian. As we know, and as Bill Gates, Sr. so eloquently stated:

"We should apply the Gwinnett Standard within our vibrantly connected community to ensure that our children arrive ready to thrive in kindergarten."

In January 2019, a group of concerned Gwinnett community members, stunned by troubling data regarding kindergarten readiness, came together in hopes of tackling  the problem. This challenge sparked a year-long process of exploring how organizations and individuals across Gwinnett could come together to effectively move the needle on kindergarten readiness. The solution for leveraging and harnessing the collective resources of Gwinnett to ensure that children across our county enter kindergarten ready to thrive was Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains!

On September 25, 2020, Gwinnett Building Babies’ Brains launched our website, a hub for all things early learning and the place to build a toolkit for becoming your child’s first and best teacher. You will find everything you need including child care resources, texting services for teaching tips, and more! We love to connect on social media, as well, and you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

In the time you took to read this blog, a baby’s brain has been growing at a rate of 1 million neurons per second! So, that means somewhere, maybe in your own home, a baby’s brain is 180 million neurons brighter and literally being built as you read this! So, go ahead, click here to visit our website and start building your early learning toolkit today!

Build Your Personalized Toolkit Today

Take the Child Development Survey by answering questions based on what your child is able to do at their current age. Then we will provide you with a personalized list of resources that can help your child thrive in Kindergarten.