
Build Your Personalized Toolkit

Your child’s early years are very important to their lifelong development. As a parent/guardian, you are your child’s first and best teacher. Are you curious about appropriate developmental milestones for your child?

Take this short survey!

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9 Months Old Developmental Questions

Every child is different and develops at their own pace. If your child does not show all of these milestones (at the designated age), don’t worry!

Does your child look for things they see you hide?*
Encourage Baby's Cognitive Development: 9 - 12 Months
Does your child move things smoothly from one hand to the other?*
Baby Milestones: Getting a Grip
Is your child comfortable with familiar adults (may be clingy with familiar adults)?*
Birth to 12 Months: Social-Emotional Development
Does your child imitate sounds and gestures of others?*
Encourage Baby's Language Development: 9-12 Months
Does your child have favorite toys?*
Activities to Enhance Your Child's Cognitive Development: 6-9 Months
Does your child understand "no"?*
When Will my Baby Understand "No"?
Does your child pick up things like cereal between their thumb and index finger?*
6 Easy Ways to Practice Pincer Grasp with Your Baby
Does your child track moving objects?*
9-Month Old Baby: Developmental Milestones & Guidelines
Can your child get into a sitting position?*
Encourage Baby's Physical Development: 9-12 Months
Does your child play peek-a-boo?*
When Do Baby's Play Peekaboo?