You are invited to our outdoor storytime at the Alexander Park Pavilion #4 (by the larger playground near the Scenic HWY entrance) on Mondays at 10:30 am! The address is 800 Old Snellville Hwy, Lawrenceville 30044
There will be small blankets available to gather your family on – or feel free to bring your own blanket from home.
The mobile library will also be present; families can board and check out a book (or more!) to take home after storytime is over. The bus will return every week so that book returns are fun & easy to do! (Items can also be returned to ANY library branch in Gwinnett) Entry to the mobile library will be limited to one family at a time.
Come prepared to have fun! Recommended for ages 2-6
Please note: as this is held outside, it will be canceled for any inclement weather situation (actively raining, lightning/thunder, etc)