Did you know that a babies’ brain is growing at a rate of 1 million neurons per second and that will mean that 90% of their brain will be developed before they enter Kindergarten?

How Brains Develop and Why It Matters
Learn the ABC’s of your baby’s brain development.
Your baby’s brain is growing fast in its early years. This article from the CDC describes how the brain develops and tips for you to support your baby’s brain growth at different stages.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about your baby’s brain development with these short articles.
This video explores how everyday moments are nurturing your baby’s brain development from birth.
Your baby’s early experiences will impact their brain architecture. The Harvard Center of the Developing Child explains what this means and how it is built.
Read about how experiences change the structure of your baby’s brain.
Understand the science of early childhood with this video and resource series from the Harvard Center of the Developing Child.

Key Development Milestones
A free, downloadable tip sheet on how to help your child learn and get ready for school at different ages from 0 to 3.
Learn which books to read with your baby based on their age and tips to keep them interested and learning.
A free, printable chart to track your baby’s development and learn signs to watch for.
Learn the typical ages and stages of early development and find featured articles for each stage.
Learn about the typical developmental milestones for each age 0-5 with CDC’s Developmental Milestones charts and videos.
Understand how fear is a typical part of your child’s development in the first five years.
A free, printable brochure on your baby’s social-emotional development at every age.
Learn the basics of social-emotional skills and find tips to support your baby’s development.
A free brochure with a checklist for you to see where your baby’s executive function skill should be at every age and activities to develop them.
Understand how your child learns and develops through play.
A free, printable brochure with tips to make the most of play time with your baby.
This parent’s guide to the stages of play helps you understand how your baby grows through play.
This video and tipsheet explains how to use blocks for playing and learning with your baby at different ages.
A free, printable brochure with tips for encouraging speech and language development in your baby.
Understand how your baby develops language skills and learn tips for every age.
The Georgia Early Learning Standards explain what your child should know and be able to do from birth to age 5. Use these to support your child’s growth and understand where they should be at each stage in their development.
Short videos explaining the Georgia Early Learning Standards.

Identifying Development Delays
What do you do if you think your child isn’t developing as described here?